Dr. Eileen Tan has contributed substantial knowledge and experience to many newspapers and magazines. Some of them are listed as follows:
She's got you under her skin - The New Paper; April 2016
Kick the Itch Goodbye! - EzyHealth; August 2013
The "ABCs" of BOTOX - EzyHealth; July 2013
Get Your Sexy Back, Loose Skin - Simply Her; May 2013
Solutions of Every Skin Woe - Her World; June 2013
Looking Good - Simply Her; April 2013
Beauty Questions - Simply Her; March 2013
Count Down to Your Holiday Body - Simply Her; October 2012
Ask the Hair Doctor - Simply Her; October 2012
Stop Scratching Your Head! - SHAPE; August 2012
Dealing with Eczema Today's Parents August; September 2012
Post-natal Hair and Skin Care - This Quarterly; July-September 2012
Is it Time to Change Your Moisuriser? - Cosmopolitan; December 2011
When Skin Goes Ouch - Cosmopolitan; October 2011
挥别油腻头皮 - 健康 No 1; September 2011
Her World Hair Special - Her World; August 2011
Out, damned Dot! - SHAPE; April 2011
Gorgeous in the Buff - SHAPE; February 2011
Beat Skin Cancer- American Association of Singapore; July-August 2010
"Mengurai Rambut" – Manja; November 2008
"Skin Support" - HerWorld; November 2008
“Aesthetic treatments to help you get in shape and nab fabulous skin and hair in time” – Female(1,2,3); November 2008
“Get Treated!” – Women’s Weekly; October 08
“Beauty Secrets Revealed” – SHAPE (1,2); October 08
Mangosteen October Issue; October 08
“Make me beautiful” – Simply Her (1,2,3,4,5); Sep 08
“风膜” – U 周刊; Aug 08
“Clean Up Good” – SHAPE (1,2); August 08
“Nail Fungal Infections” – SHAPE; August 08
“Silver Lining” – Mother & Baby; August 2008
“What’s your guilty pleasure?” – SHAPE; July 2008
"Red Rashes" (Chinese) - 晚报; July 2008
"Blisters on hands and feets" (chinese) - 晚报; July 2008
"Surgical Hair Restoration" - Ezyhealth (1,2); July 2008
"Face Q & A" - 晚报 (1,2); June 08
"Hair Removal"(Chinese) - 晚报 June 08
"Hair Transplant"(Chinese) -晚报 June 08
"Thermage"(Chinese) - 晚报 June 08
"From thinning to luxuriant" - The Business Times; June 2008
"Hair Loss" (Chinese) - 晚报; May 2008
"湿疹" - 晚报; May 2008
"湿疹5大问题" -晚报; May 2008
"Tattoo Story" - The Straits Time (1,2,3); May 2008
"Consultant Doctor Panelist" - 晚报; May 2008
"Under the Weather" - SHAPE ; April 2008
"Lebatnya, Bang" - Berita Harian; April 2008
"Hair Laser Therapy" - 晚报; January 2008
"Hair Transplant Techniques" - 晚报; January 2008
Hair interview businesstimes(1, 2); July 2006
"Hair Dos & Dont's" - New Paper; July 2006
"Eyebrow and Hair Addition" - Simply Her; June 2006
"Sunscreen" - Simply Her; June 2006
"Sunblocks" - Simply Her; June 2006
"7 Deadly Hair Sins" - Simply H;r; June 2006
"Flying First Aid" - Simply Her; June 2006
"A Better Bikini Line" – SHAPE; June 2006
"Scalp Solutions" - Simply Her (1, 2); May 2006
"Dr. Eileen Tan on Hair Transplanting" - Sri Lanka News; April 2006
“植发,怎么植” - U 周刊; April 2006
优雅除体臭- Cita Bella; November 2005
Golf Asia - Health & Fitness; September 2005
"I Eat Sunshine for Lunch" - Her World (Hardcopy Image:1, 2); August 2005
Berita Harian(1, 2); July 2005
"Tress Distress" - Her World; July 2005
"Local Doctor's New Treatment for Acne" (本地医生医治暗怆有新法) - Lian He Zao Bao; July 2005
"Doctor's Own" - Simply Her; May 2005
Coping with thinning hair - Streats; December 2004
"Balness Myths laid bare by survey" - Streats; July 2004
Ocean Unveil Newsletter; April 2004
"More than skin deep" - Today; March 2004
“走出秃头的日子” - 生活情趣; October 2004
"荨麻疹" - U 周刊
"最新医学仪器迅速治愈按疮" - U 周刊
"体毛过多,是不是病" - U 周刊
"香港脚" - U 周刊
“婴儿得胎痣- 可去除治疗吗?" - U 周刊
"多汗症6种疗法” - U 周刊
"Banish Your Cellulite" - HW Body (1, 2)
保健手册(Pigmentation Wrinkle)
Beauty: Marked for Life? – HealthToday Online