
Thermage is a non-surgical, non-invasive and FDA-approved monopolar capacitive radiofrequency (CRF) technology. This patented treatment are designed to naturally and three-dimensionally contract the collagen in the skin and stimulate new natural collagen production. This leads to skin tightening and creates a refreshed and overall younger appearance to the skin without altering your looks.

Thermage procedure is fast and requires no down time from normal activities. Unlike laser, thermage can be performed on individuals of all skin color.

What areas can be treated with thermage?

Thermage can be customized to meet the skin contouring concerns of an individual.

  • Upper face – improvement of skin contouring and creation of subtle lifting of eyebrows

  • Eyes – skin tightening around the eye region and subtle lifting of upper eyelids

  • Lower face and neck – improvement to sagging jowls and cheeks. It enhances the jawline to create a more youthful appearance

  • Body -- improve skin laxity and sagging of numerous body areas such as abdomen, arms, thighs and knees

Is the Thermage procedure painful?

Thermage generally takes about 45 minutes to two hours to complete. The Thermage system incorporates vibration during treatment to improve patient comfort. You will feel a brief heating sensation when the treatment tip touches your skin, followed by a cooling sensation to help protect your skin and minimize any discomfort. Topical anesthetic creams are applied one hour prior to the treatment procedure.

How long will the results last?

The results of a single Thermage treatment session can last up to one year. The clinical treatment outcome depends on various factors including the degree of skin laxity, individual biological response to the collagen remodeling process. Future treatment sessions are often carried out every 12-18 months as the aging process continues.

How safe is Thermage?

Thermage radiofrequency treatment has been used as a non-invasive wrinkle treatment for the past 10 years. It has been used in over one million treatments worldwide to date with safe record.

Disclaimer: patient experience and results may vary depending on individual lifestyle, age and medical history.